Quality care gaps
Savings Rate
Distribution Rate
Total Distributions
Our solutions simplify the way you access and monitor critical data, providing actionable insights within your existing workflows.
Streamline your Medicare submissions and monitor your progress in real time, using all available data sources for Medicare CQM, CQM and eCQM reporting for Medicare ACOs and MIPS MVP.
controlling high blood pressure
Our intuitive dashboard controls will simplify how you track and identify targets for health outcome improvement, financial performance, cost reduction and more.
30-Day All Cause Readmissions
Assigned NPI
30-Day All Cause Readmissions
Assess prospective providers’ services, performance metrics and billing patterns before you ever decide to contract with them.
Creating power at the point of care means bringing care teams and patients into alignment-with powerful information and actionable insights that support every health journey.
Schedule a personalized consultation or a remote demonstration to see if Health Endeavors is a good fit for your organization.